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We are a community of believers who bring the whole tithe into the Lord’s storehouse; the local church and joyfully give offerings as the Holy Spirit directs us.  We do what II Corinthians 8:5 exhorts us to do. “They first gave themselves to the Lord…” and then also practice II Corinthians 9:6-7 which encourages us to give joyfully and bountifully out of love for Jesus and advancing His kingdom, not under compulsion or guilt. 

The tithes go for day to day operations, staff, and local ministry expenses.  We give 10% of monthly tithes to designated missions and to special events as they arise. 

Our finance team publishes a monthly giving and expenditure statement for perusal and questions.  Our desire is to become a generous people practicing great biblical stewardship!



There is a giving box located at our campus. App

Download the phone app and create an account.

Powered and secured by online church giving.

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